Do Good Project WEEK 10

Content Planning

I referred back to my interview takeaways and compiled them together. One of the few must have features are comparison in form of statistics and stats/ numbers. This is to compare the data between how they allocate the budget with 50/30/20 rule. This would make them aware of their habit in budgeting. Next, I had to make sure the informations are in bite-sized to allow users cope with the informations.

Quick Prototype

Based on my previous design, I created a rapid prototype by using papers which allows me to visualise the user flow more easily. From the prototype, I find that using blocks are not as efficient when it comes to user usage. As each time after user used the blocks, they had to reposition the blocks to their original position. This prompted me to reevaluate my design strategy again.

Design reevaluation

In my previous design, the user input is through users placing blocks. Currently, my design reevaluation is creating a device mainly for user input. Whenever the user give their input into the device, the projection mapping content changes according to their response.


  • The flow starts off with the bar chart having dotted lines indicating where the 50/30/20
  • Users are given a fixed amount of monthly allowance
  • They are given a set of questions to allocate their budget according to the categories of needs, wants and savings
  • The result of the barchart is based on the result of whether they reach the minimum of 50/30/20 or they go over the dotted line

Reflecting my current design, I find it lacking in engagement and interest. The interaction feels more like filling out a questionnaire, which is unlikely to captivate users or motivate them to change their financial habits. I recognise that my design needs to be more compelling and immersive in order to make it more effective. At this point, I feel stuck in this design planning, and I intend to address this challenge in my next consultation.

Processing Workshop

Within this week, I attended a workshop conducted by Ron. He taught us about coding in processing language and ways to project mapping on some unconventional surfaces like boxes, trash bags and so on. The workshop was very insightful, and it made projection mapping less scary than it looks. Overall, I not only learned how to code projected content, but also discover that this process is the most important step for a successful projection mapping installation.

Technical Development

I did a testing on the projection mapping and tried to code out the content. I experiment with simple surfaces and successfully projected out visuals on the surface, such as moving particles and images. Overall, I'm able to familiarise myself with setting up projection and its visuals.

Although, there are few shortcomings. I do not possess a high-quality projector at the moment, thus, the brightness, resolution and throw distance are not up to par. Next, the workspace at the current moment is quite limited but I'm planning to find a more spacious place to work with later on. Lastly, I'm not familiar with the java language.

Content reference:

  • Dooreesystem Technology (2018). Optitrack Motion Capture System - Dynamic Projection Mapping Test. YouTube [online] April 2. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m0jTMxEPhc&ab_channel=DooreesystemTechnology
  • iasonf (2012). 3D Video Projection Mapping on Cubes with Quartz Composer. YouTube [online] September 6. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1az8bbuOLg 
  • Moment Factory. (n.d.). About Moment Factory - We create multimedia & immersive experiences. [online] Available at: https://momentfactory.com/about.
  • Sony-Global (2017). Future Experience Program T - Demo Application 04. YouTube [online] July 14. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMazTqIc7zI&ab_channel=Sony-Global

technical reference:

  • Openprocessing(n.d.). OpenProcessing - Creative Coding for the Curious Mind. [online] Available at: https://openprocessing.org/.
  • Processing (2019). SimpleParticleSystem \ Examples \ Processing.org. [online] Available at: https://processing.org/examples/simpleparticlesystem.html.
  • YouTube (n.d.). The Coding Train - YouTube. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/@TheCodingTrain.


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