Do Good Project WEEK 18

During the last week, I prepared slides for the final presentation to share the concept of the project, its impact, design process and the learning outcomes.

The link to the slide: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF_BkFA8so/J-8OSu85GEL1_s5UUsWR9A/edit?utm_content=DAF_BkFA8so&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton 

Finally, I did edit my video rationale and concluded my learning plan.

Video Rationale.


Learning Plan.

Final takeaways.

This project has been quite a journey and I would say it’s the toughest. There are a lot of reasons, some of which is the topic I’ve chosen. I took up the challenge to address the issue about financial literacy, which it’s a subject that I’m not exactly an expert in. I had a hard time to form a concrete design planning, which leading to me to getting “stuck” at the end. I’m very grateful for Louise for her guidance in giving me a direction for the planning.  

While this project tested my limits, it also offered me opportunites to learn about WebSocket and p5js as well as advance my coding skill in JavaScript. Additionally, I briefly explored projection mapping and processing for a short while before I shifted my learning plan direction. I believe that the knowledge I've attained from this project can be further explored to create an interactive website in the future.

Overall, this project may not turn out as finish as it supposed to be but it’s a great learning experience for me throughout the semester. It strengthens my perseverance and honed my problem-solving skills. Lastly, I'm grateful for Louise, Lin Yew and Ron for their consultations, encouragements and advice. Thank you!


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